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Success Story of Niro Rani Sarkar

Success Story of Niro Rani Sarkar

(Bamboo product & getting more profit)

Niro Rani Sarkar aged 31 years. She is married with Upendro Sarkar,a poor famer having only the homestead and a piece of land that cannot support for  their better livelihood. She has only one boy of 10 years and a girl of 13 years.She is a very poor women living in a village name Noabad,upazila Baniachong under Habiganj district.Niro Rani Sarkar finding no other ways, she was earning tk 500-700 tk per month through producing winnowing fan(local name,koolo),orra(local name) and zhaaki (local name)before receiving any formal training. She was trying to change her fate.

Niro Rani Sarkar came to know from some reliable source that a seven days long advanced improved training program on bamboo product arranged by Climate Adaptation and Livelihood Protection (CALIP) of Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project (HILIP) supplementary Project for unemployed man and women. She talked with local HILIP officials (Habiganj) and expressed her interest to participate in the training program.Considering her interest, local Project authority finally selected her as a participants for bamboo product training.

After final selection, she joined at Jannat Training & Resource Centre,Bohoola Enatabad,Habiganj for participating a seven days long advance Improved Training Program on bamboo products.She attended all the theoretical and practical classes and succeeessfully completed the training.Out of description,Niro Rani received a training on bamboo product (31.01.16 to 6.2.16).

As a result,after receiving training, she could enhance her income on an average between 5000 to 7000/-per month by making different type show pieces, koka,chaai,kooicha,khacha(local name,these are using for catching fish) as per local need and she now contributes to meet the family needs partially. ’’Already Niro Rani bought a cow with the amount of 13000/-for rearing.

 She says," Producing bamboo products need bakal bamboo (local name) which she purchases from local market with comparatively high price.It is not available all the year round. Now I decide to cultivate bakal bamboo with the assistance of HILIP staff.’’

Niro Rani Sarkar,says confidently and positively,"I would be able to impove our family’s economic growth. I  continue doing to produce bamboo product so that I could contribute to make our children educated and I hope  getting net profit from it, I will reform our own house.My relative Rupali and Nipendro,learn from me how to make different type bamboo products.”